Yep I'm getting my art on.
This dress is the an art teachers ultimate dream. luckily this art teacher snagged this one!
My Career has been a whole bunch of ups and downs being hired, laid off, long term subbing, re-hired, part time, moving to two states in one year transferring credits and teaching again, can you keep up with all that? There is one thing that is constant, I get to inspire others through art, fashion and music.
Right now I teach middle school art and it is a doozy onto itself dealing with constant middle school mood swings and personality's.
But one thing makes it worth it.
I had a students that was pretty unruly and something in him clicked one day, I watched him work on his tessellations art work, and he became less the class clown and more the focused art student. I told him if he finished his work and continued to do what he was doing on this work there was no way he wasn't going to get an A on that assignment. Well he did. He turned it in. I looked him in the eye and said to him I was so proud of him and I knew he could accomplish greatness on his work. He said he was proud of himself too. He sat down and later towards the end of class he came back to me and said " My mom is going to be so proud of my work, are you going to put it up in the hall way?" I replied , "Of Course, I'm showing that art work off. " He said one more time how proud he was of it and I said," me too". This is why I do what I do. I Inspire kids to find greatness in themselves and help them reach goals through art.

So this outfit is a little cue to my life's work. It was fated that I would own it and wear it when I was working with my students.
(close up) I mean come on there are palettes on it.
oh and these flats are comfortable when running from student to student to help them on their art.
Outfit Details:
Cardigan: 89th and Madison/ TJ Maxx
Shoes: Naturalizer flats /TJ Maxx
Tights: Walgreens -lined with fleece
Where do you inspire others?-Fairfawn