Friday, February 6, 2015

What will my valentine gear be?

Hey guys I need some help I have three Valentine's Day options but I'm not sure which dress to pick. I decided to use a lil help from my favorite app. I use the dressed app off of iTunes all the time.

It's pretty exciting and you can virtually plug in your whole wardrobe and search through your virtual closet to create outfits to wear. It's pretty cool because sometimes you'll look at your closet and wonder what should I wear to that event or meeting and POOF!, your covered because you figured it out on your commute or break prior to those events with this app.

This app is a life saver so I recommend it. It's pretty cool because you can plug in your accessories, shoes, bags, and even customize your mannequin. Now here's where I need your help.

Outfit #1

Outfit #2

Outfit #3

I'll be looking at my Instagram for votes to which one I should wear on Valentine's Day. My Instagram is fairfawnblog so check it out and comment on which outfit you think I should wear because I'm putting it in your hands.  I'll have the reveal on here soon.

Which one would you wear for Valentine's Day?-FairFawn 

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