Thursday, July 20, 2017

Like a rock (AKA) Climb Every Moutain

Night look

Well I've been incognito and starting to develop a little cabin fever.

Day look

 I just got my wisdom teeth out almost 2 weeks ago and it is pretty painful and since we are on the topic of large teeth creating a massive gaping hole in your jaw. Literally huge teef.  I got to keep those rocks for a keep sake but they hurt and I like to think I have a high tolerance for pain, but you don't see me giving birth or anything.

In the meantime during  I'm healing, I did feel well enough to shoot for this dress that is full of rocky mountain dreams and not pain induced hard sleeping.

I got it a while back from Modcloth and it is part of the Modcloth line.

 Between icepacks and naps I cant tell you how much I pretty much want sushi, pizza , wings and Mexican food.

Ill get all my dreams to come true until then I have to just climb my figurative or in this case on my dress mountain to healing.

I mean really, who else can choose between a day or night look?

Outfit details
Dress: Modcloth
shoes: (day look)TOMS (Night Look) :Mia
purse: Pinupgirl clothing
Cardigan: Target
What would you choose day look or night? -Fairfawn

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